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ZERO SR EV Motorcycle Manual PDF

Zero S SR DS DSR Owner's Manual
Zero S SR DS DSR Owner's Manual
Zero S SR DS DSR Owner's Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.9 MB

Zero SR Motorcycle



Electric motor

Electric motor power 67 hp

Torque 144 Nm

Review of Zero SR Electric Motorcycle

ZERO S, SR, DS & DSR Electric Motorcycle Owner's Manual PDF above the page.


SR is the most powerful motorcycle in the Zero Motorcycles model range. The company is positioning it as the most powerful electric bike in the world, which is certainly not the case.


By the way, in addition to the classic road builders, the Zero company also produces enduro, and even models that can be called motards with some stretch.


But the most outstanding features are precisely Zero SR.


Very ordinary power: 67 hp is adjacent to an outstanding 144 Nm of torque.


The work of the suspension completely complements the picture. All irregularities are worked out smoothly, evenly, and without any disturbing shocks. And narrow tires and a fairly wide steering wheel contribute to a lightning-fast change of direction at the request of the rider.