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SUBARU Electrified Cars Manuals PDF

Subaru Crosstrek Hybrid
Subaru Crosstrek Hybrid

History of Subaru Electrified Cars

SUBARU Electrified Cars Manuals PDF above the page.


The company was founded in 1953 and initially produced its cars based on the developments of the French company Renault, whose drawings and patents were bought by the founder of the brand Kenji Kita.


Only after some time, the company began developing its own models, some of which were offered exclusively for the Japanese domestic market.


In the late 2010s, like most carmakers wishing to maintain their influence in the market, Subaru began to contemplate electrifying the transmissions of its own vehicles.


The first Subaru model to feature an electric motor and pure electric driving capability was the Subaru Crosstrek Hybrid plug-in hybrid crossover, unveiled in 2018 as the company's debut production car aimed at a new niche in the eco-friendly electric vehicle market.