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The world's first hybrid car in tandem with the Hofwagenfabrik Ludwig Lohner & Co was developed by Porsche back in 1900. The first hybrid, called Semper Vivus, was restored by the masters of the Porsche Museum.
In 2009, the company developed the Cayenne hybrid vehicle and planned to start series production in 2010. Studies have shown that at that time the model will not find a wide consumer. For the same reasons, the serial launch of the Panamera hybrid was delayed.
2015-2016 the company developed a new hybrid Porsche Cayenne. The car is equipped with a new generation electric motor. On one charge, using only an electric motor, a car is capable of covering a distance of up to 50 km. The tandem of an electric motor with an internal combustion engine reduces gasoline consumption to 3.4 l / 100 km. A full charge takes 3.6 hours.
With impressive financial investments in the reorganization of production, the auto concern is actively developing electric vehicles.
In 2015, the concept of the first Porsche electric car Mission E was presented.
The company said the car could travel 500 km on a single battery charge.
Electric, Hybrid, Hydrogen, Solar Car & Motorcycle Manuals, Brochures PDF; Specs, History