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Honda Accord Hybrid Sedan Owner's Guide
Honda Accord Hybrid Sedan Owner's Guide
Honda Accord Hybrid Sedan Owner's Guide.
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Honda Accord Hybrid Brochure
Honda Accord Hybrid Brochure
Honda Accord Hybrid Brochure.pdf
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Honda Accord Hybrid



Engine Petrol + Electric

Electric motor power 181 hp / 135 kW

Battery 1.3 kWh

Review of 2013 Honda Accord Hybrid

HONDA ACCORD HYBRYD Owner's Manual & Brochure PDF above the page.


On June 21, 2013, in Japan launched sales of a new generation of the flagship Honda Accord sedan with a hybrid powerplant.


Honda launched two hybrid variants on sale at once: the usual one and with the option of recharging batteries from the city power supply network - the plug-in.


And, if the first hybrid with a 2-liter engine will be able to spend about 3 liters of fuel per 100 km, then the second - only 1.7 liters.


Such a low fuel consumption is possible if the driver will closely monitor the battery level and charge them on time from the mains.


An important factor playing a positive role in reducing fuel consumption was the introduction of a new power plant control system - i-MMD (intelligent Multi-Mode Drive). We are talking about controlling the operation of the engine and electric motor, depending on speed requirements.


The sports i-MMD allows the driver to select three power train operation profiles. For starts and leisurely accelerations, as well as movement at low speeds, the car uses only batteries and an electric motor.


To speed up, the Accord connects a gasoline engine, but only so that it powers the generator, which in turn accelerates the electric motor, spins the wheels.


And finally, for driving at high speeds, the i-MMD system uses only an internal combustion engine that transmits torque to the drive wheels through a variable gearbox.


We also note that the electric motor is able to develop, if necessary, the maximum torque directly from the start of the car, and the operation of the entire i-MMD system provides further powerful acceleration, combined with silence and comfort.


Structurally, the i-MMD system is no different in complexity.


Among its significant components, we see the latest high-performance two-liter gasoline engine with a capacity of 143 hp, a variable gearbox with integrated motors (power and electricity generating), as well as a clutch directly connected to the gasoline engine, and a lithium-ion battery pack.